Lil'Etiquette Lullaby Playlists

Many babies prefer that mom or dad sing them a song, but sometimes little ones do well with a playlist of sleepy time tunes to help them get ready for bedtime. Lull your little ones with our Lil’Etiquette selection of favorite Lullabies that will peacefully drift your baby to the land of dreams.

White Noise

Create a soothing environment that resembles the kind of sounds the little ones heard in the womb and help them fall asleep faster.

Nursery Rhymes

The old classics like Itsy Bitsy Spider, Wheels on the Bus, Twinkle Twinkle Little Star (...) are often favorites and fun melodies to listen to.


For the the so-called "Mozart effect"! Instrumental classical music an be played for a relaxing and soothing atmosphere in the nursery.

French Classics

Frère Jacques, Au clair de la lune, Dodo l'enfant do (...) a perfect way to get your little ones familiar to some iconic French melodies.


Toddlers respond well to the music that their parents like! So try putting on some classic hits with soft vocals... and maybe some punk rock too ;)-

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